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Hair, Wigs, Beards, and Mustaches


60's Flip Wig
Price: $23.98
Artist Wig Platinum
Price: $18.98
Beautiful Mrs. Claus Wig
Price: $49.98
Doo Wop Wig Black
Price: $18.98
Envy Wig
Price: $24.98
Evil Doll Wig
Price: $14.98
Evil Doll Wig Red Childs
Price: $14.98
Fall Leaf Wig
Price: $9.98
Funny Wig
Price: $29.99
Jasmine Wig
Price: $19.98

Costume Wigs, Beards, Mustaches, and Hair

No costume is complete without the perfect Theatrical Quality Wig or Human Hair Beards and Moustaches to top it off.

We keep a selection of hundreds of costume wigs, fake beards, costume moustaches, even costume mullet wigs (you don’t really want to have to grow one of your own, do you?) in stock throughout the year. Because we know that you never know when someone’s going to throw a party and you'll need a costume accessorized just right for it.

Put the finishing touches on your costume with a wig, beard or moustache from The Costumer.

Whether it’s Halloween, a costumed New Year’s party or a celebration of any type where you need a costume, you’ll need a costume wig to complete the look. And for that perfect costume wig, look no further than The Costumer.

Costume Wigs, moustaches and beards of nearly every shape, length and colorize. We even offer a new line of Biblical themed costume beards, costume wigs and costume moustaches

Whatever you need, you’ll find it here. We’ve got it all, including:

  • Costume hair in dozens of colors for cosplay and clowns
  • Costume wigs in all shapes and sizes
  • Beard and wig combos
  • Halloween costume wigs to match nearly any Halloween costume
  • Fake beards and moustaches in whatever size and length you want
  • Even costume mullet hair, in case you want to come as Joe Dirt
  • False eyelashes and fake eye brows
  • Disguise Facial Hair
  • Beards and Moustaches for Movember
  • Santa Wig and Beards

Ladies, our selection includes the always popular pink costume wig and a variety of blonde costume wigs. There only real limit when it comes to our costume wig, beard and moustache selection is your imagination.

So what are you waiting for? Check out the perfect hair for your costume, at The Costumer.