Actor's Nightmare
Actor's Nightmare: Christopher Durang's comedic short play, inspired by a real life phenomenon, follows the dreamlike events of accountant George, although the man himself doesn't believe George to be his real name. Inexplicably backstage, the stage manager Meg believes him to be the understudy for actor Edwin, who has broken both legs. George can't remember being an actor or attending any rehearsals for this show and also can't seem to get a straight answer out of his fellow performers about what the show is. Forced onstage, George must improvise his lines in a play that continuously shifts between Noel Coward's Private Lives, a fictional Beckett play called Checkmate, Shakespeare's Hamlet, and Robert Bolt's A Man for All Seasons. As the play draws near its end, George must play Sir Thomas Moore and as the execution appears to be a little too real for his liking, he must decide whether or not to accept this strange course of events as reality or dream state.
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