Aladdin: Sandy Wilson's 1979 musical version of this classic tale from One Thousand and One Nights follows the ashes-to-riches story of Aladdin, the ne'er-do-well son of a Chinese laundress, who is conned by the wicked wizard Abanazar in an effort to obtain the powerful Genie of the Lamp. Aladdin escapes Abanazar's trap with the aid of the sympathetic Genie of the Ring and Aladdin's mother inadvertently summons the Genie of the Lamp to serve her son. Aladdin quickly gains great wealth and marries the princess Badroulbadour, but the bitter Abanazar tricks Badroulbadour and traps her and Aladdin's house in Morocco, where Aladdin and the Genie of the Ring must travel to put things back to rights.
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