Elephant Man
Elephant Man: Acclaimed 1977 play by Bernard Pomerance is based on the life of Joseph Merrick, who suffered from severe deformity and was displayed as a human curiosity to Victorian society. Betrayed by the freak show's manager Ross, Merrick, destitute, goes to London, where his appearance incites a riot and police fetch prominent young surgeon Fredrick Treves to take care of him. Treves, who works at the London Hospital under Carr-Gomm, enlists actress Mrs. Kendal to visit his patient. Though initially disgusted and awkward, Mrs. Kendall and her high society friends come to befriend Merrick, whose gentle intellect and compassion gain their respect. As Merrick's medical condition worsens, his self-confidence and faith grow, making Treves question his own “normal” standards and character.
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