Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon: Based on the award-winning 1950's novel by Daniel Keyes, this touching adaptation by David Rogers follows 32-year-old Charlie Gordon. Born mentally slow, Charlie holds a menial job at a bakery. He enrolls in a reading and writing course at the Beekman College Center for Retarded Adults and his enthusiasm for improving himself attracts the attention of his teacher Alice Kinnian and researchers Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss. The researchers, having just tested an intelligence-enhancing surgical procedure on a laboratory mouse named Algernon, choose Charlie as their first human subject. The procedure is a wild success, bringing Charlie's IQ from 68 to 185. Charlie must suddenly learn to cope with the relationship changes and emotional conflicts his newfound intelligence causes, a task made far more challenging when Algernon begins to quickly regress intellectually and physically.

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