James and the Giant Peach
James and the Giant Peach: Based on Ronald Dahl's novel of the same name, this musical adventure follows the fantastical tale of a young orphan boy who, while living with his abusive aunts, dreams of a happier place surrounded by friends. His dreams come true, in a fashion, when a giant peach grows in the backyard. Disney's 1996 animated musical film features music by Randy Newman and a book by Steven Bloom, Karey Kirkpatrick and Jonathan Roberts. Pictured below are our rental costumes: Mr. Centipede, Silkworm, Glowworm, Mrs. Ladybug, Earthworm, Miss Spider and Mr. Grasshopper
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Sample Photos of Our Rental Costumes for James and the Giant Peach
Pictures are representative of our rental collection, costumes may vary due to size and availability.
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